My Tiny Senpai (Season 01) (English-Japanese) [Dual-Audio] – Anime
About Story
In the bustling world of corporate obligations, a captivating tale unfolds as Shinozaki, the diligent office worker, finds himself under the tender care and doting attention of his senior colleague, Shiori Katase. While their professional relationship dictates a hierarchy, it is the enchanting contrast of Shiori’s diminutive stature that captures Shinozaki’s heart—her petite frame serving as a canvas for her inner radiance.
As Shiori continues to shower him with unwavering affection, Shinozaki can’t help but wonder if her actions stem from a sense of duty or if they transcend the boundaries of obligation. Yet, with each passing day, her joy in nurturing him becomes an undeniable revelation—an unspoken language that speaks volumes about her true emotions.
Within the confines of their shared workspace, a delicate dance unfolds between two souls. Shinozaki’s heart, aflutter with hope, longs for the day when he can bask in the assurance that the care and tenderness he receives from his tiny and adorable senpai are borne out of a genuine and profound love—an extraordinary connection that surpasses the confines of their professional roles and ignites a flame of passion in their intertwined destinies.
[Writter By: mkvshows]
Anime Information
Title: My Tiny Senpai, Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi, My Company’s Small Senpai, Story of a Small Senior in My Company
Native Title: うちの会社の小さい先輩の話
Aired: Jul 1, 2023 to ?
Quality: 720p, 1080p
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Adult Cast, Workplace
Episode: 13
Print: CR WebRip
My Tiny Senpai