Metallic Rouge (Season 01) (English-Japanese) [Dual-Audio] – Anime
In a world where humans and androids known as Neans coexist, a rebellion led by the Immortal Nine threatens societal stability. Tasked with quelling the uprising, Nean operative Rouge Redstar, also known as Metal Rouge, teams up with human investigator Naomi Orthmann. Their mission takes them to the distant planet of Mars, where the rebel faction is rumored to be hiding.
But before embarking on their dangerous mission, Rouge has one peculiar request: chocolate. Despite being an advanced android, Rouge harbors a fondness for the sweet indulgence, much to Naomi’s amusement. With their unlikely partnership forged over a shared craving, Rouge and Naomi set out to confront the Immortal Nine and restore order to their world.
[Modified by Mkvshows]
Anime Information
Title: Metallic Rouge
Native Title: メタリックルージュ
Aired: Jan 11, 2024 to Apr 4, 2024
Quality: 720p, 1080p
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
Episode: 13
Print: CR